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At White House Academy, we promote the timeless values of faith, family, and freedom. Rooted in the Restored Gospel, we use scripture and modern prophets' teachings as foundational truths. 


Meet our team where educators, support staff, board members and parents unite in a shared commitment to nurturing students in faith, excellence, and community. 


At White House Academy, we uphold the highest standards of honor and academic excellence. We empower students to reach their full potential in a supportive environment.

Educational Philosophy

Our educational philosophy emphasizes a holistic approach that integrates academic, moral, and spiritual education in a balanced environment. It fosters self-discipline and character development through varied learning experiences, rooted in truth. We believe that parents are the most important influence in a child's life, and that the home is the most significant source of a child's success and happiness. White House Academy seeks to assist parents in their sacred duty of raising their children. It prepares students to be active tools in the hands of the Lord enabling them to contribute in their homes and communities. 

Statement of Religious Education

White House Academy is not sponsored by, endorsed by, or affiliated with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the Church) or any other denomination. However, the curriculum, standards, and methods are based on the teachings and doctrines of the Church. We welcome students of all faiths.
We do not separate spiritual and academic learning, as they are both parts of the whole truth and the development of the whole child. All truth, including all areas of academics, comes from God, and keeping Him in education makes all the difference. 

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Vision Statement

White House Academy sees each student as a Child of God, their Heavenly Father; as essential members of their own family; and as an important citizen of the United States of America. Upon our three pillars of Faith, Family, and Freedom, we base our mission, our methods, and all content of the school and its programs. Children develop the proper understanding of government, especially self-government. We are a place of protection and strength for children and their families who desire to adhere to these pillars. In turn, White House Academy families go forth and build their communities with power. 

447 E. Main Street, Vernal, UT |  |  Tel. (435) 828-8721 (USA1)


SCHOOL HOURS: Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 3:00 pm | OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

Call or text for summer hours.

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Non-Discrimination Notice

White House Academy does not discriminate against any employee, student, employee applicant, or student applicant because of race, creed, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, physical and/or mental disability. White House Academy applies this non-discrimination policy to its educational programs, employment and admission, scholarship and grant opportunities. White House Academy affirms that all people are equally beloved children of God and deserve to be treated with love and respect.

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